Roman Aqueduct |
It’s about 5am and I can’t sleep, I don’t particularly feel like
studying for the midterm I have today, and it’s too early to take a shower. So
I’ll blog. I’m finally moving onto the start of the semester! As a general
update I only have a little over two months left here in Seville and while it’ll
be exciting to see everyone, I’m not ready to leave. I booked my flight the
other day and it was kind of (really) sad. Last week when I was tutoring one of
my adorable/well-behaved/hilarious students, it hit me how hard it is going to
be to leave. She was showing me her yearbook from the previous year, as it was
picture day, and I asked when she would get her new one. She was like “I’ll
get it in the fall and then I can show you”. I was like “sweetheart, I
have to go back to the United States in May”. “Wait you’re leaving, for how
long?” “Well it will take at least a year to finish my degree…” “A WHOLE YEAR?”
Of course I want to come back to Sevilla eventually but I do have other
planes for after I graduate. Needless to say a stake was driven directly
through my heart.
More on Sevilla mía later. The first weekend in February I went
to Madrid with JYS. I went to the museums and stuff last semester so I was free
to do whatever I wanted. It’s a pretty sweet deal because I got my AVE tickets,
food, and the hotel for “free”. The trip was part of the program fee, but
whatever. I decided that I would go and see Segovia while the others were in
the museums. Segovia is a smaller city/town a bit to the north of Madrid and
the alcázar there is the inspiration for Disney’s Cinderella Castle. As
a Cinderella lover, this has been on my list for a while. Oh there’s also a
Roman aqueduct. I ended up not getting to Segovia until pretty late in the day,
almost 4pm. By the time we got to Madrid and I got out to the other train
station I had missed the 1:30 departure by like 5 minutes. I spent some quality
time in the station waiting. Luckily for me one of the cafes was having a Valentine’s
Day coffee/doughnut special.
The sun was just starting to set when I made my way up some of the hills
in the “back” of the castle. I had an amazing view and decided that I was going
to wait there until dark so I could see it all lit up. It was really cool
seeing all of the lights in the city slowly turn on. All the churches slowly
lit up and the street lights looked like strings of lanterns and the car lights
looked like hundreds of fireflies. Of course the castle was the last thing to
be lit up and by the time it finally started, it was dark, cold, and I
had missed the bus I wanted to take back to the train station. I waited anyway,
and it was definitely worth it. The walk back into town was a bit of a struggle
because it was so dark and my phone was dead so I didn’t have a flashlight. Also
those stairs back up into the actual town were so rough, but I made it! I
looked at the bus schedule and saw that if I got on the next bus I’d make it
back to the train station just in time to catch my AVE. I had time to kill so I
went and got a caramel McFlurry and people watched. It was prime people
watching time because it was the weekend of Carnival so everyone was dressed up
like they would be for Halloween in the US. According to my host sister
Carnival is much more fun in the pueblos than in the big cities. I
really felt that in Segovia, it’s not tiny by any means but it has a much more
family-y atmosphere. Next time in in Spain, Carnival is on my to-do list!
The next day was low-key. I walked a bit and then sat myself down in a café
to catch up on journaling. The women who worked there were really sweet and
took the time to figure out why the wifi wasn’t working for me. It was nice to
talk in Spanish. Even though I feel, more often than not, that my Spanish is
actually getting worse there are occasions like that were I can just have a
nice conversation with no problems. I definitely love being back in a country
where I speak the language especially after my trip in January!
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